Sitecore User Group (SUG) BELUX #3 - WFFM (The What, How, When and Why)

That is right,

our third User Group is comming !
Next year, on the 29th of January !

Short intro :

The SUG board members would like to welcome you to the third Sitecore User Group event (BeLux). This third session is meant as a mix of a both Developer and Product information on WFFM.

Webforms for marketers is the Form generation module offered by Sitecore. During the sessions we will explain the value of using the WFFM module for marketers, the flexibility it offers and the limitations the product has.

And to sweaten the deal, we'll go into detail on how you can work around the limitations, show the code that drives this and zoom in on what capabilities the module has.

Optionally, the differences between the versions of WFFM can be looked at in more detail as well as the roadmap from Sitecore on this module.

For the full agenda:

Feel free to contact me with questions, or agenda requests !


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